Dear Neighbor,
I am thrilled to share with you that I am running to serve our community as Rochester City Council President. With a deep understanding of city-wide issues and a dedication to public service, I seek to bring my experience, skills and empathy to help Rochester grow as a community where everyone can thrive.
As a long-time resident of our vibrant and resilient city, I have witnessed firsthand Rochester’s incredible growth and potential. I believe I am uniquely qualified to help guide our city’s future and ensure that the rising tide lifts all boats.
My experience includes:
Rochester neighborhood association leader: Championed safe and pedestrian-friendly streets and neighbor-to-neighbor civic engagement.
Chair of the Rochester Planning and Zoning Commission: Promote vibrant neighborhoods and sustainable development featuring affordable housing, retail and transit-oriented development
Rochester-area representative on the Metropolitan Airports Commission: Oversee the sustainability goals and $1 billion capital improvement budget for Minnesota's hub airport.
Former liaison to neighborhoods and local officials on behalf of Mayo Clinic: Fostered a culture of transparency and two-way communications between the City’s largest employer and city residents.
Board member of United Way of Olmsted County: Gained valuable insight into the critical needs and challenges facing our community.
With my record of skilled leadership, and my commitment to collaboration between city residents and local government, I ask for your vote. I will work hand in hand with City residents, businesses, and local leaders to pave the way to a future where mutual respect and mutual
success will flourish.
I am eager to hear your thoughts and concerns about Rochester’s
future. Please reach out to me at
or text/call me at 507-271-1233.
All my best,

Mayor Kim Norton
Current City Council President Brooke Carlson
Former City Council Member Nick Campion
Former City Council Member Mary Petersson
State Senator Liz Boldon
State Rep. Tina Liebling
State Rep. Kim Hicks
State Rep. Andy Smith
Moms Demand Action – Every Town for Gun SafetyFaith in MinnesotaSierra ClubLGBTQ+ Victory FundIron Workers Local #512Plumbers and Pipefitters Local #6IBEW Local #343
Mayor Kim Norton
Current City Council President Brooke Carlson
Former City Council Member Nick Campion
Former City Council Member Mary Petersson
State Senator Liz Boldon
State Rep. Tina Liebling
State Rep. Kim Hicks
State Rep. Andy Smith
Moms Demand Action – Every Town for Gun Safety
Faith in Minnesota
Sierra Club
LGBTQ+ Victory Fund
Iron Workers Local #512
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local #6
IBEW Local #343
I am proud and honored to have received endorsements from the following leaders and organizations in our local community: